Sunday 29 April 2007

Town Council List Censorship

The Town Council has an online mailing list, called Morleylist. Up until the legendary free speech suppression episode at the March Full Council meeting, I was the Webmaster and list administrator.

Afterwards, I made it clear that if they weren't prepared to listen to me, I had no intention of carrying on with my informal duties and whilst I didn't actually resign from being a Councillor, I chose to (mostly) withdraw from participation as a Member.

(I will cease to be a Member this Thursday of course once the elections take place as I am not re-standing).

Yesterday, I received an email from someone asking me "What happened?" and with the subject LISAGATE. I went and had a look on the site and noticed that ten posts had been deleted, without explanation, by someone with access to the List Management account.

I have seen the posts (they turned up in my daily digest) and they did degenerate into what might be called "inappropriateness" but some of them were simply critical of the Morley Borough Independents.

There is probably an argument that a forum such as this should be suspended during the run-up to an all-out election but there is also an argument against as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, got it in one. The "imposter" seems to think it's because of what he put. I think it was political.
But, someone is taking it too seriously. I doubt many people other than councillors read it. Half the members are made up anyway.