Wednesday 11 April 2007

Labour's Pre-election election leaflet.

(Remember Andy Pipkin from Lou & Andy on Little Britain?)

This is side one, on which the new candidate is introduced (although he isn't actually the candidate at the time), he gets to meet a Home Office Minister outside the Police Station, visits nearby towns with Bus Stations and then stands in Queen Street with a naff handwritten sign. It also plugs Morley Together (a Labour MP initiative, of course), slags off the BNP Councillor for not saying anything at the Morley Summit and still fails to say who David Langham is.

I think of this side as the "Want that one!" side- raising the green eyed monster of envy for not having a Bus Station.

Meanwhile, on side two, it reverts to NIMBYism. It lists various bits of Bovver the BNP have got themselves into (of course, Labour Councillors are all squeaky clean so this isn't at all hypocritical), raises Hope NOT Hate and then raises worries that Morley is to have an incinerator.

Gordon Brown spoke on Hope NOT hate the other day . I saw it described as:

Where's Gordon? Day 4, April 6th:

Speaks from back of a bus in Glasgow to (ironically) anti-democratic communists condemning anti-democratic racists about "Hope not Hate". Video here.

As Andy would say, "Don't want it!"

(Hat tip: Guido Fawkes)

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