Friday, 22 October 2010

More unlawful behaviour

I have sent a maladministration complaint to Morley Town Council.

When Councillor Bradley died on September 30th, in law, this created a casual vacancy on the Council. It was then obliged to post up a notification, advising electors that there would be a co-option to fill the vacancy unless ten electors petitioned for a Poll. Had there been less than six months before the election, a petition would not have been possible and it would be optional whether the Town Council chose to co-opt someone or not.

However, Cllr Bradley died seven months and a few days before the May 2010 elections.

The statutory notice has to be displayed for 14 working days. This expired on Wednesday so the opportunity for voters to ask for a bye-election is no longer possible. The Council failed to comply with its legal obligations and has therefore acted unlawfully.

Statutes: LGA 1972 LGA 1972 SI2006/3305

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