Last week, the Yorkshire Post reported that the former clerk to Morley Town Council, which is now 100% controlled by the Morley Borough Independent political party (they do not let the sole opposition councillor sit on committees) had won a tribunal case of constructive dismissal against the council.
This report, in my opinion, concentrated on the pieces of the judgement which the town councillors would prefer to be highlighted, namely that the tribunal could find no evidence of bullying or harassment against her.
Now, I declare an interest in this as some of the events occurred while I was on MTC, and chaired the committee which dealt with staffing matters. I understand that since the MBIs took total control, they have established a Staffing sub-committee chaired by one Paul Cook, of whom I had never heard of or had dealings with previously. However, I agreed to be a witness for the clerk based on my recollections of events whilst I was on the council, and my understanding of subsequent ones.
So please bear with me while I state a few facts. I will deal with the tribunal statements in another post later, but as a starter:
In March 2006 I wrote to the then mayor, Brian Judge, and deputy mayor, Robert Gettings. It was rather a lengthy letter so I will not reproduce it in total. But I will reproduce some points:
“I feel I must take the unusual step of writing to the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor to set out some very real concerns I (and I know I am not alone in this) have regarding the conduct and attitude of certain members of Morley Town Council towards an employee of the Council.”
· “My main point concerns the attitude and conduct of three members of the Morley Borough Independent political grouping towards the Town Clerk. You are of course aware that the Town Council is the corporate employer, and as such its employees report to the Council as a whole, not any individual member; but it does seem that these three members have taken a decision, either as individuals or as a “group within a group” , to make the Clerk’s employment terms and conditions, as well as the duties she carries out and the way her time is spent, their personal concern despite the fact that the vast majority of councillors are satisfied with the way the office runs and the support received from our staff.”
· “…but the impression given was that certain members are not satisfied with either committee decisions regarding employment matters unless it coincides with their own agenda, or the service provided by the Town Clerk”
· “What is, of course, really worrying about this incident is that it is the latest in a series reaching back to July last year. In my opinion (and others) it appears increasingly apparent that certain members of this Council are intent on undermining our Town Clerk, although as they have never made their concerns official it is uncertain as to the outcome they would prefer”
· “I am concerned as to the effect the “whispering campaign” and general attitude toward her is having on her health”
· “I am concerned that these people, and more importantly Morley Town Council, could find themselves involved in very negative public action; actions which in my opinion the Council and certain members have been fortunate to avoid in the past when an employee resigned her position – a position the Council was subsequently unable to fill.”
And lastly
· “Action by the Council could clear up any concerns these members may wish to make or merely remind them of the existence of employment tribunals and the Standards Board as referral to these bodies could well be instigated if the current attitude does not cease. Such action would in my opinion bring this Council into disrepute.”
The mayor did indeed set up a meeting to deal with this matter. Bob Gettings did not attend citing illness. It quickly became apparent that my letter, which was marked “PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL” had been shown/ copied to the members concerned in advance. As I said in my statement, I believe Mr Gettings did this.
More later….
Sunday, 1 March 2009
What's the story with Morley Town Council?
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Sunday, March 01, 2009
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